Life in the +86, thank you and goodbye

This blog is like the child that is there but like forgotten but like not forgotten. Well ni hao everyone! I feel like I can say that still. I have 0 excuses as to why I haven’t updated this blog in a while… but whatever, it’s life. I thought it was time to dig this…

#lifeinthe86: What the flying flip?

Okayyyy okayyy okayyyy FULL DISCLOSURE.. this is NOT a post shitting on Chinarrrr, it’s literally just highlighting what I experienced while living in this magical country- and honestly, I genuinely love experiencing these things.. It makes it feel… real. I literally laugh to myself every day because of the things that happen- nothing big happens…

#lifeinthe86: Jump Rope Edition

It’s been a year since I packed my bags (14 to be precise.. I have issues) and moved to Shenzhen, China. BAHHHHHHHHHHH WHAT DID I DO?! You know that ‘superzoom’ function on Instagram stories and you pick the ‘dramatic’ one, and it like zooms in on an object three times? Yeah picture that when I…

Three years later…

WOW. Three years… THREE YEARS since I had this wonderful idea (insert sarcasm) of starting a blog. What? Did I think I’d be a blogger after it? Not sure what I was thinking, but shout out to Leo Wongtonsoup for reminding me of this ‘blog’. WHAT HAS HAPPENED IN THE LAST THREE YEARS?! My god,…

My 15 Minutes of Fame in South Africa

More like 15 seconds of fame in Muizenberg at a cafe, where they had an open mic night for musicians… no, don’t worry, I did not play an instrument or sing (because let’s be real, every window, glass and ear drum would have shattered if I did). So, what did I do? Well to my…

Taking A Break on ‘Adulting’

Wow it’s been ‘basically’ foreverrrr since I’ve written a post. I’d like to come up with excuses saying that I was busy and that time flew by, but I’m going to be honest. I haven’t blogged about anything because I was simply unhappy. This may come as a surprise to some of you. ‘How could…

What’s YOUR last bite?

Now, what am I talking about? I’ve been thinking about this for the past 5 minutes and would like your opinion… Its near the end of my work day and I’m hungry, so why not get a snack? What I call a snack maybe a meal for others, but for each their own. I was…

I’m baaaa-aaackk

Missed me? Or did you forget me? Majority would say the second and I would too. Sorry for the two months of silence, time just escaped me. Lots of weekendcation have happened, another trip to Phuket, China, Kota Kinabalu (which is in Malaysia) and Laos (a weekcation). I actually have a post about Loas, but…

Watch My Stand-up Here!

Oh man, yes, I did it again. I went up for my second stand-up comedy act tonight. This time I prepared a little schpeel and I was svitzing like no other. If you want to see my embarrassment, click on the link below. I’m 33 minutes in. I’d like to warn you, it’s bad, but…

My First Stand Up Comedy Act

Blacked out. Those two words normally coincide with drinking an excessive amount, but in my case, it was from going up on stage and doing my first stand up comedy open mic night. Yes, that’s right ladies and gentlemen, I went up to do stand up for my very first time tonight. As I write…

Adventures in Sri Lanka, Taken style

Picture this: Girl living in HK goes on Tinder and swipes right on a guy. They match. Turns out they went to the same college in the states. They meet up in HK. He’s from Sri Lanka. 8 months later, girl and 2 girl friends head to Sri Lanka because they’ve never been. Girl reaches…

Phuk-et, I’m going to Phuket

Have I coined the term ‘weekendcation’? I believe so. My friend, Sonora, was abroad in Hong Kong when I met her. She was finishing her masters degree in engineering (yeah, she’s a smart cookie). After her semester, she was travelling around SE Asia for four months. So I said ‘Phuk-et’ I’ll meet you in Phuket…