Three years later…

WOW. Three years… THREE YEARS since I had this wonderful idea (insert sarcasm) of starting a blog. What? Did I think I’d be a blogger after it? Not sure what I was thinking, but shout out to Leo Wongtonsoup for reminding me of this ‘blog’.

WHAT HAS HAPPENED IN THE LAST THREE YEARS?! My god, nothing and a lot of things! Flossing (I’m not talking about a thin piece of thread sized string that you put in your mouth between your gums and teeth and move it up and down.. I’m talking about moving your hips from side to side while moving your arms side to side but in a different direction than your hips.. just google.. or Baidu **we will talk about this eventually***… it if you don’t know. Better yet, HOW DO YOU NOT KNOW WHAT FLOSSING IS? Go live under a rock now please and thank you!) is a dance move! Donald Trump (I can’t believe I’m writing his name in my blog) is the president of the United States of America! Cannabis is legal in some countries! Gay marriage is allowed in TAIWAN… with some complications now. #Metoo is a movement! (insert three clapping emojis).

Me? Well… nothing has changed. At least I don’t FEEL like it has changed- I’m still as plump as ever, I still have a third chin spewing out of me and mamacinds still complains about my fashion choices (I mean.. isn’t ‘tomboy chique’ a thing? Kendal Jenner does it! I guess that’s where I went wrong). I guess when I think back to the day I started this blog.. I remember it so vividly- I was on the phone with Jake Tyler (go back to my first post for reference) and eating ice cream (that has changed- I’m eating less ice cream! Why? No flipping clue. Got to get back to it) and just typing away on my first post. Yet, that person in my teensy 400 sqft apartment on 93 Caine rd 16E seems so different now.

For one, I live in China now.. I type that with a tad bit… or a lotta bit of agony. Low key, when people ask me where I live now, and I say ‘China’ my right eye twitches and it takes a good minute for me to recover. Jokes aside… It’s not bad! I’m living (or half living… for those who are still in Hong Kong know that I barely left) in the Silicon Valley of Asia! I’m working for a tech company in China- yes I may be the only foreigner (disadvantage.. I ethically look like everyone so there are some serious high expectations) and people barely understand me, but I’m LIVING! Wait for a next post about my #lifeinthe86, it involves a jump rope competition and staying overnight in a PUBLIC CHINESE HOSPITAL. Honestly, I hoot and I howl thinking about it.

During my time in HK, I met a lot of friends (yo, I know you question it too. Who the flying flip would want to be my friend? ok.. maybe they weren’t/aren’t friends.. they just feel bad for me, okay?), some have left and new ones came into my life. I ended up leaving the vacuum/ air purifier industry (let’s put all the ‘sucking’ jokes aside) and joined a start-up. Moved into a different apartment (63 Caine rd 3C WHATSUP) with one of my best friends (and alpha phi sista sista.. she denies it, don’t try) the one, the only Meredith lackey! Started dating a guy.. I KNOW. SHOCKER!!! GUYS close your damn mouths and stop drooling. I know it’s quite impossible for someone to like me.. but it happened! He and Mere left HK at the same time (still a very close friend of mine, thank you SG). Low time. But TG to BH for moving in! Made new friends (helloooo BRITS). Side note!! you want someone to listen to you? Make friends with Brits, you’ll be the weirdest thing (not even person…)THING they have ever encountered.. EVER. They find out you were part of the sorority… THAT’S IT, you’re in. You show them how to play stack up.. MOVE OVER, they don’t need anyone else. Does this make me sound like an alcoholic? Don’t answer. Does that make me sound desperate for friends? Also don’t answer. They are probably SO DONE with me. Like thank u, next girl. Like I’ve said in my earlier posts #whatfriends. No one ever wants to be friends with this… confused, Asian, Canadian/wanna be American, cali girl voice, plump thang of a human being. But here we are.. LIVIN’.

We haven’t even touched upon my travels… the debauchery… relationships…the highs and lows (I am human after all). But stay tuned! More to come (don’t want to bore you with my shambles).

Remember, laughing is a form of medicine, so do it daily! Tata for now! XoxoBasicallysingle

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