What’s YOUR last bite?

Now, what am I talking about? I’ve been thinking about this for the past 5 minutes and would like your opinion…

Its near the end of my work day and I’m hungry, so why not get a snack? What I call a snack maybe a meal for others, but for each their own. I was craving Mcdonalds, so I got Mcdonalds delivery to my desk. Two things may have just popped into your head:

  1. Mcdonalds delivers?! Yes, ladies and gentlemen, Mcdonalds delivers to you in Hong Kong– and many other places in the world, sorry Canada and ‘Muricca.
  2. What is she doing eating Mcdonalds as a snack or eating Mcdonalds in general?! Uh, because its good, that’s why. *insert eye-role emoji*

Anyways, as I was munching away on my 6 pieces of chicken nugs (very hard decision between the 9 piece and the 6 piece, but dinner is in 2 hours) and medium fries (I’m cutting back here, aren’t you proud), I was coming to the end of my snack. I had one piece of nugget left and a few crisp pieces of fries. All of sudden, I came to a dilemma.. what do I want as the last thing I taste? The nugget or the fries? Tough decision, but I’m a fry guy, so I chose the fries. What would you have done?

Don’t think I’m going crazy here, but this thought process dates back to when I was a wee, little, overweight, chubby child (pictures may be posted in a later date). Remember fruit roll ups or Scooby doos fruit snacks? Well the Scooby snacks always had different colours and flavours in a pack, my favourite was the solid, light blue colour. I would ALWAYS save that for last because why wouldn’t want your favourite flavour as the last thing you taste from the snack pack? Unfortunately, my mama always taught me to share, so sometimes during snack time I would share my Scooby snacks. THE WORST part is when your best friend takes the SOLID LIGHT BLUE SCOOBY FRUIT SNACK and it was the ONLY one in the whole pack!!!! But obviously you can’t say anything because she’s your best friend and you want to ‘be the bigger person’. Let me tell you, it hurt me on the inside. The first time that happened could honestly have been my first heartbreak.

Now don’t tell me that you’ve never had that dilemma before. But yes, would you have eaten the nugget last or the fries last? Let me know. Team fries for me. Remember, laughing is a form of medicine, so do it daily. Tata for now, xoxoBasicallySingle.

2 Comments Add yours

  1. Basically Fact Checker says:

    What she’s leaving out: McDonalds delivery went to her apartment, not her “desk”…her apartment is 50 meters away from said McDonalds…do you really believe the fries were a medium????


  2. Marco says:

    The carbs and starchiness of the fries acts as a palette cleaner and should always be last, nuggets are too meaty for the aftertaste


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