My First Stand Up Comedy Act

Blurry picture for a blurry night

Blacked out. Those two words normally coincide with drinking an excessive amount, but in my case, it was from going up on stage and doing my first stand up comedy open mic night. Yes, that’s right ladies and gentlemen, I went up to do stand up for my very first time tonight. As I write this, I am guzzling a bottle of Pinot Grigio to drown out my sorrows. What was I thinking when I wanted to pursue a hobby in being a stand up comedian? Clearly I wasn’t.


But, I did it, I went up and did my 3 minute schpeal. Honestly, I just went to Takeout Comedy to watch people do stand up. Low and be hold, my name was called up. I WAS NOT PREPARED. There I go, up on stage in my sweaty gym clothes (I know, I went to the gym before, shocker), and I took the mic out of the stand and started my unprepared, ramble. When I say I blacked out, I.BLACKED.OUT. I mean, I’ve blacked out many times in my life (people, its called college, its called being in your 20’s, you just drink excessively whether you like it or not), but this is one black out that I’m happy I don’t remember. The worst part is, okay there’s two worst parts, 1) I was the last act 2) it was filmed. Need I say more? All I want to do right now is dig myself into a deep hole and just sit there until my death. The video is said to go up in a few hours and I cannot even fathom what will be on the other side of the screen, laughing at my face. Did people even laugh? If they did, they were probably laughing at me, which I’m completely fine with because at least there was laughter.

Anyways, I did it. Am I proud that I went up? Sure. Will I do it again? At this moment, I’m going to say no, but I can’t hit lower than rock bottom, so maybe I’ll do it again to embarrass myself and my family name one more time. If you ever find the video, just don’t watch it and if you do, don’t tell me. Okay, my bottle of wine is done, now I’m going to stuff my face with ice cream and fries to make myself feel better. Remember laughing is a form of medicine, so do it daily. Tata for now! XoxoBasicallySingle

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